Distance from North Baltimore to Bristol


3 732 ml

Distance between cities North Baltimore and Bristol

Distance between cities North Baltimore and Bristol is about 6 006 km which is 3 732 ml when driving by road through . The direct distance by air, as if you take a flight - 6 006 km or 3 732 ml.

Do not forget about the time difference!

The time difference between cities North Baltimore and Bristol is 5 h, which you have to keep in mind when planning a trip. Find out the exact time in these cities through these links. Learn more about geographical coordinates of these cities and see the map.

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North Baltimore, distance between cities

Find the most popular ways to North Baltimore from other cities or use the distance calculator on this page.

North Baltimore, OH 45872, USA - Bristol, UK 3 732 ml
North Baltimore, OH 45872 - Cleveland, OH 127 ml