Distance from Tembisa to Saint Petersburg


8 203 ml


1 w 11 h

1 w 14 h

mph km/hr

Fuel consumption

366 gal.

Fuel cost

$ 1 281

dollars per gallon

Distance between cities Tembisa and Saint Petersburg

Distance between cities Tembisa and Saint Petersburg is about 13 201 km which is 8 203 ml when driving by road through Andrew Mapheto Drive, M18, Reverend RTJ Nemane Drive, Pretoria Road, M57, Olifantsfontein Road, R562, N1, Prov Roodepoort Street, N1, Harare-Beitbridge Highway, A4, Josiah Tongogara Road, A4, A4, Simon Mazorodze Road, A4, Samora Machel Avenue, R2, Newlands Bypass, A2, A2, N7, S124, M1, Lubani Road, Mzimba Road, Kenyatta Road, Presidential Way, Luwinga Road, M1, T1, Main Road A104, T5, Uhuru Avenue, A104, T5, T5, Dodoma Highway, T5, Iringa Road, T5, Arusha Road, T5, T2, Nairobi-Namanga Road, A104, Namanga Road, A104, Mombasa Road, Thika Road, Embu-Nairobi Highway, A2, Embu-Nairobi Highway, B6, Meru-Embu Highway, B6, Meru-Nairobi, B6, Meru-Maua Road, C91, D484, D490 Ruiri-Isiolo, D490, Isiolo-Marsabit Road, A2, Addis Ababa to Nairobi Road, 6, 6, Addis Ababa to Nairobi road, 6, Guinea-Bissau street, Qore street, Libya Street, Ring Road, Addis Ababa - Bahir Dar Road, 3, Old Addis Ababa - Bahir Dar Road, Giorgis Road, 3, 3, Asmera road, Teseney - Barentu Road, P-2, P-2, Al Lafa Road, P-2, Kassala PortSudan Highway, شارع بورتسودان - عطبرة, طريق حلايب وشلاتين, 11, طريق القصير, مرسى علم, 11, Sea Street, طريق القصير, مرسى علم, طريق سفاجا, القصير, طريق الغردقة, سفاجا, 11, شارع النصر, الطريق الدائري, طريق راس غارب, الغردقة, طريق الزعفرانة - راس غارب, طريق الزعفرانه, رأس غارب, 11, طريق الزعفرانة بنى سويف Zaafarana BeniSweif Road, 15, شارع القنطرة شرق - العريش, شارع صلاح الدين, صلاح الدين, 4, 3, 40, כביש חוצה ישראל, 6, 807, נוף הארבל, 90, 87, 98, 7, 7, 7, شارع فايز منصور, 7, M5, طريق حلب دمشق الدولي‬‎, M5, ‫طريق الشام, شارع هاشم الأتاسي, الكورنيش‬‎, 214, المحلق, 214, شارع غازي عنتاب, 214, Kilis-Suriye yolu, D850, Kilis-Gaziantep yolu, D850, Gaziantep Çevre Yolu, O-54, Gap Bulvarı, E99, Diyarbakır-Şanlıurfa yolu, E99, Diyarbakır-Silvan yolu, E99, Diyarbakır-Bingöl yolu, D950, Bingöl-Diyarbakır yolu, D950, D300, D950, Bingöl-Muş yolu, D300, D950, Erzurum-Bingöl yolu, D950, Erzurum-Ağrı yolu, D 100, D950, Ardahan-Erzurum yolu, D 955, D 010 / D 955, Kars-Ardahan yolu, D 965, Ardahan-Posof yolu, D 955, ს 8, თამარაშვილის ქუჩა, ს 8, აღმაშენებლის ქუჩა, ს 8, ბორჯომის ქუჩა, ს 1, თბილისი-სენაკი-ლესელიძე, ქარელი-აგარა-გომი, შ 203, შ 23, Кочысаты Розæйы уынг, Мӕскуыйы уынг, Сабырадхъахъхъæнджыты уынг, Нарты уынг, 8-ӕм Июны уынг, ს 10, Транскам, ს 10, «Транскам», А-164, А-164, 83К-003, проспект Ленина, 83К-003, «Кавказ», Р-217, Р-217, Дорожная улица, Р-217, «Дон», М-4, М-11, Смоленский переулок, Волжский проезд, набережная Афанасия Никитина, Петербургское шоссе, «Нева», М-11, Благодатная улица, Кубинская улица, набережная Обводного канала, Варшавский мост, Садовая улица, Сенная площадь. The direct distance by air, as if you take a flight - 9 558 km or 5 939 ml.

Do not forget about the time difference!

The time difference between cities Tembisa and Saint Petersburg is 1 h, which you have to keep in mind when planning a trip. Find out the exact time in these cities through these links. Learn more about geographical coordinates of these cities and see the map.

How long will the trip take?

If you are traveling by car and will drive at an average speed of 45 ml/h or 73 km/h at least 24 hours per day, then you will need 1 w 11 h to get to your destination.

Calculate the cost, fuel consumption

The consumption of petrol or other fuel that is used in your car on the entire route is 372.8 gall or 1320.1 lit. at a consumption of 10 lit./100 km or 22 MPG that will cost you about $1 305 at the cost of petrol $3.5 per gallon. If you plan a roundtrip the fuel cost will be $undefined.

To get more precise information, depending on the cost of petrol and fuel consumption of your car, please use the fuel consumption calculator on this page.

Travel long distances

It's not easy to decide on a long trip. Your trip will take more than 1 day if to drive about 12 hours a day, so it would be good to include expenses for meals and night stay in hotels, that will allow you to enjoy your trip more and be ready to continue your journey next day with new forces.

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Plan a trip with friends? Do not forget to share with them your itinerary. Send them the link and tell them a bit about your journey. Publish the link of this route in your favourite social network so that friends can learn more about your interesting experience. We wish you a great mood! Yours sincerely, FromTo.City

Tembisa, distance between cities

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Tembisa, South Africa - St Petersburg, Russia 8 203 ml