진천군, distance between cities
Find the most popular ways to 진천군 from other cities or use the distance calculator on this page.
충청북도, 진천군 - 충청남도, 천안시 | 25.8 ml |
대한민국, 충청북도, 진천군 - Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea | 46.3 ml |
충청북도, 진천군 - 경기도, 평택시 | 31.6 ml |
충청북도, 진천군 - 충청남도, 논산시 | 64.1 ml |
대한민국, 충청북도, 진천군 - Seoul, South Korea | 70.6 ml |
Have you ever wonder how to calculate the distance between cities in miles or in kilometers when planning a trip. How to plan expenses on fuel, petrol, or gas? Would you agree that good trip planning is very important for an excellent journey!