Jerusalem, location
The geographical coordinates of the Jerusalem city: latitude: 31.768319, longitude: 35.213710. The geographical coordinates of the Jerusalem city in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates: X (easting): 709644.229689, Y (northing): 3516888.974347, zone: 36, northern hemisphere.
Jerusalem, distance between cities
Find the most popular ways to Jerusalem from other cities or use the distance calculator on this page.
Jerusalem, Israel - Al Mukalla, Yemen | 2 041 ml |
Jerusalem, Israel - Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy | 2 465 ml |
Jerusalem, Israel - Paris, France | 2 928 ml |
Jerusalem, Israel - Warsaw, Poland | 2 562 ml |
Jerusalem, Israel - Pokhara, Nepal | 2 905 ml |
Jerusalem, Israel - St. Petersburg, FL, USA | 6 640 ml |
Jerusalem, Israel - Moscow, Russia | 2 365 ml |
Jerusalem - Dead Sea Region | 112 ml |
Jerusalem - Shani-Livne | 48.3 ml |
Jerusalem, Israel - London, UK | 3 087 ml |
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