Athens, location
The geographical coordinates of the Athens city: latitude: 37.983810, longitude: 23.727539. The geographical coordinates of the Athens city in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates: X (easting): 739545.405838, Y (northing): 4207529.224248, zone: 34, northern hemisphere.
Athens, distance between cities
Find the most popular ways to Athens from other cities or use the distance calculator on this page.
Athens, Greece - Berlin, Germany | 1 455 ml |
Athens, Greece - Kotor, Montenegro | 555 ml |
Athens, Greece - Vienna, Austria | 1 059 ml |
Athens - Kalamaki 400 03 | 213 ml |
Athens - Thera 847 00 | 185 ml |
Athens, Greece - Paris, France | 1 835 ml |
Athens, Greece - Hechingen, Germany | 1 425 ml |
Athens, Greece - Toronto, ON, Canada | 5 031 ml |
Athens, Greece - Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy | 1 473 ml |
Athens, Greece - Stockholm, Sweden | 2 234 ml |
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