Rostock, location
The geographical coordinates of the Rostock city: latitude: 54.092441, longitude: 12.099147. The geographical coordinates of the Rostock city in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates: X (easting): 310297.171463, Y (northing): 5997697.804992, zone: 33, northern hemisphere.
Rostock, distance between cities
Find the most popular ways to Rostock from other cities or use the distance calculator on this page.
Rostock - 99974 Mühlhausen | 318 ml |
Rostock - 75428 Illingen | 510 ml |
Rostock - 85622 Feldkirchen | 484 ml |
Rostock - Homberg | 397 ml |
Rostock - 66578 Schiffweiler | 515 ml |
Rostock - Darmstadt | 432 ml |
Rostock - Pleystein | 382 ml |
Rostock - 63667 Nidda | 387 ml |
Rostock - 36304 Alsfeld | 351 ml |
Rostock - Erfurt | 306 ml |
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