Vancouver, location
The geographical coordinates of the Vancouver city: latitude: 49.282729, longitude: -123.120738. The geographical coordinates of the Vancouver city in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates: X (easting): 491219.048547, Y (northing): 5458893.219239, zone: 10, northern hemisphere.
Vancouver, distance between cities
Find the most popular ways to Vancouver from other cities or use the distance calculator on this page.
Vancouver, BC - Blue River, BC V0E | 364 ml |
Vancouver, BC, Canada - Tirana, Albania | 5 784 ml |
Vancouver, BC - Toronto, ON | 2 726 ml |
Vancouver, BC, Canada - Imus, Cavite, Philippines | 6 566 ml |
Vancouver, BC - Hinton, AB | 546 ml |
Vancouver - Revelstoke | 351 ml |
Vancouver - Abbotsford | 44.2 ml |
Vancouver, BC, Canada - Anaheim, CA, USA | 1 303 ml |
Vancouver - Chilliwack | 64.0 ml |
Vancouver - Surrey | 21.6 ml |
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