Lake Louise, exact time
Lake Louise, AB is located in Canada. UTC offset is -6 h. Here you can find the exact time in the city of Lake Louise and difference in time at your location.
Lake Louise in other languages: French
Lake Louise, exact time
Exact time
Lake Louise, location
The geographical coordinates of the Lake Louise city: latitude: 51.425371, longitude: -116.177255. The geographical coordinates of the Lake Louise city in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates: X (easting): 557201.759657, Y (northing): 5697450.516010, zone: 11, northern hemisphere.
Lake Louise, distance between cities
Find the most popular ways to Lake Louise from other cities or use the distance calculator on this page.
Lake Louise, AB - Saskatchewan River Crossing, AB T0L | 49.9 ml |
Lake Louise, AB - Golden, BC | 51.3 ml |
Lake Louise, AB - Kamloops, BC | 272 ml |
Lake Louise, AB - Lillooet, BC V0K | 378 ml |
Lake Louise - Canmore | 50.2 ml |
Lake Louise, AB - Saskatchewan, MB | 810 ml |
Lake Louise, AB - Revelstoke, BC | 92.2 ml |
Lake Louise - Rocky Mountain House | 85.0 ml |
Lake Louise - Calgary | 94.8 ml |
Lake Louise, AB - Jasper, AB T0E | 129 ml |
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