Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Map, distances between cities. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Have you ever wonder how to calculate the distance between cities in miles or in kilometers when planning a trip. How to plan expenses on fuel, petrol, or gas? Would you agree that good trip planning is very important for an excellent journey!

Distances inside Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina region

Sarajevo - Fojnica 35.3 ml
Sarajevo - Konjic 38.0 ml
Sarajevo - Jajce 98.0 ml
Sarajevo - Travnik 56.6 ml
Sarajevo - Bihać 191 ml
Sarajevo - Mostar 80.3 ml

Distances outside Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina region

Lusaka - Sarajevo 6 404 ml
Sarajevo - Vlasenica 55.3 ml
Priboj - Sarajevo 94.4 ml
Hamburg - Sarajevo 1 044 ml
Minsk - Sarajevo 1 043 ml